A new facet of the SMS expands today in companies, the internal SMS. We more often know the SMS for its communication properties with external actors. It actually is after having tested and discovered the advantages it brings in terms of communication that companies decided to use it to broadcast messages within their own establishment.

Adepts of the SMS pro or novices on the subject, companies all have the same needs: they look for a tool which will allow them to:
- Communicate quickly with their employees (only a few seconds are enough to send an SMS). The information they wish to communicate requires neither a service of communication nor a graphic designer. What they need is simple: quickly broadcast messages to share important, sensitive or purely informative information.
- Send messages which will be seen by all their employees (reading rate of 97% for the SMS). Even though your employees have different position, they have all these common points: a mobile in their pocket and an e-mail address! Between the commercials always on tour and those in holidays, you’ll have difficulties getting their attention with an e-mail, while they sometimes also need the information in real time.
- Contact their teams at any time (The SMS platform gateway allows you to send your messages independently thanks to an immediate or delayed sending). In case of emergency or problems, you only have to open your mobile phone or your computer and inform everybody within 5 minutes via an SMS alert sending.
The internal SMS by sector

Some information is too important to be published on the quarterly newspaper, concerns too many people for individual calls or is too brief to be posted on walls… This information simply suits the communication by SMS.
Common information: inform your teams of Corporate’s events and in case they forgot to write it down in their diary, send them an SMS reminder just a few days/hours before. This way, they are not going to forget it.
“We remind you that the meeting will take place tomorrow between 4:30pm and 6pm. Don’t forget to take a pen and a notebook, bottles of water will be provided. Good evening.”
For mobile employees: whether they are in meeting or on the road you will not disturb them with an SMS and they can read your message when they have the time.
“A customer asks you for a meeting in 1 hour at 8 Flowers Road. Answer YES by SMS if you can make an appointment. Thank you.”
Works council
Let the SMS free up your time to take care of renting a room, asking for quote or to find new good deals for employees. Professional SMS sending allows you to dedicate no more than a few minutes to the internal communication.
Communicate: Inform them about meal tickets, shows or the Christmas tree. If you are used to creating a poster for nice occasions, insert this one directly in link into your message. You can do it for free, thanks to our internal solution, that allows you to host documents directly on your SMS.

“Our traditional Christmas tree will take place on Saturday, December 20th in the Room Charvet. Show, snack for the children and cocktails for the adults are available. Http://rz.gy/colq”
Vote by SMS: you have to elect a candidate, to decide on an innovation or a program within your company? Use the SMS to have an unbeatable participation’s rate.
“Today is the election of your delegate, 1 for Alan Smith and 2 for Bob Amley”
The SMS manager

Some information doesn’t require to respect conventions. What the SMS alert allowed the manager is simple: an increase in efficiency. Indeed, with the sending of bulk SMS they can give information more simply to their employees or managers. The SMS pro is now used as a daily life’s tool to inform teams.
Pass on the planning: spare your employees from having to find their planning on a Sunday evening when it’s time to go to sleep and to program the alarm clock for the next day. If your planning changes regularly:
“Hello, here is next week’s planning: www.pannings6.fr in case of unavailability please contact directly 07856925XX. Thank you.”
Information about figures: They’ll know the turnover before arriving at the office.
“Hello, the turnover of yesterday was 150 000 euros, 10 % on the forecasts, + 30 % compared to N-1. Congratulation.”
Human resources
Establish databases by sector and communicate directly with your employees by SMS.

Internal recruitment: After the departure of one of your employees, you wish to proceed to his replacement by calling on to the internal recruitment. Send them an announcement by SMS.
“The interviews will begin on Wednesday, June 18th. To book an appointment, contact Mrs. Perez at [email protected]”
Estimate the satisfaction of your employees: the SMS survey allows you to interact in a playful way by realising survey by SMS and allows you to obtain a precise analysis of your results.
“What mark would you attribute to the environment of the company? Answer a figure between 0 and 10.”
Tools for a useful internal communication
Mail to SMS
If certain information concerns only one or some employees send an email to SMS. This option allows to gain time by using only your email box and not the platform. It’s simple, you draft an email from your email box and when you send it, it will be converted in an SMS and will be sent on the telephone of your addressee.
The creation of sub-accounts
If you wish different services to use the communication by SMS, you have the possibility of creating sub-accounts. The main account buys the SMS credits and distributes them then on every sub-account. They also allow to separate history and reports of SMS sending of each for more confidentiality.
Story: A Belgian company ended the career of 82 of its employees with a simple SMS. The employees rather didn’t like that news and would have enjoyed a meeting with the management team to hear the news in person. Thus, if a serious event happens in your company, favour another mean of communication.