"What is the place of the professional SMS in relation to digital communication tools"

We look at the uses of different digital communication tools: business SMS, RCS and messaging applications.
SMS world news

"Crisis management by SMS: how to communicate with customers?"

No company is immune to a crisis. Find out how SMS can help you manage your crisis communication quickly and effectively.
SMS plugins

"Cybersecurity in companies: SMSFactor's advice"

Check out SMSFactor's advice on how to get your cybersecurity right, from your infrastructure to your SMS communication actions.

"Integrate Professional SMS Messaging from your HubSpot CRM!"

Découvrez le plugin qui vous aidera à communiquer efficacement avec vos clients par SMS ! Téléchargeable dès maintenant sur la marketplace !
SMS plugins

"Happy Birthday SMSFactor! 10 years of history"

On february 12, 2020, SMSFactor celebrated its first decade! Comeback with us on our first 10 years of history.
Company news

"SMSFactor's website and blog have freshened up!"

It's our greatest pleasure to present to you our new website and blog!
Company news

"SMSFactor joins the Trust in Enterprise Messaging program"

In 2018, SMSFactor became a member of the MEF's Trust in Enterprise Messaging program, that aims to create a sustainable mobile ecosystem.
Company news

"On your marks, set, go: It’s Black Friday time!"

Black Friday is one of the most long-awaited events of the year. SMS is one of the best means to distinguish yourself from your competitors.

"Professional SMS comes to associations rescue"

Professional SMS offers associations new ways of communicating both internally and externally with your members, sponsors, targets.