The Trust in Enterprise Messaging is the new program SMSFactor joined in December 2018. Created by different actors of the market, the point of this program is to act for a safe and secured professional SMS ecosystem.
The Trust in Enterprise Messaging is an initiative from the Mobile Ecosystem Forum (MEF), a global organization that was created in 2000. They act to address issues affecting the market and to reach a sustainable mobile ecosystem.
To reach its goal, the MEF gathers different actors of the professional SMS market: mobile network operators, A2P SMS aggregators, companies engaging with their customers using the SMS… SMSFactor, as an online sms platform, is an active member of the market and is now a part of this program the MEF created.
Let us tell you a little bit more about the MEF, this program and what is means for SMSFactor.
The Mobile Ecosystem Forum
What is the link between SMSFactor, Microsoft and Orange S.A.? Even if their activities differ, they are all members of the MEF.
As we said previoulsy, the MEF is an international organization that gathers actors of the professional SMS market to improve the entire ecosystem. Therefore, all actors are affected, whatever there activities.

Even though they have different activities, all members of the MEF want to improve the professional SMS market. To attain this goal, they have different objectives :
- To reduce frauds;
- To regulate the market and the competition;
- To protect the consumer;
- To facilitate innovation on the market and offer new services;
- To increase the reliability of messaging services;
- To operate for the establishment of partnership between the different actors;
- …
They might be different, but all companies that are part of the MEF have the same goal to create a more sustainable mobile ecosystem.
Let’s now get to the heart of the matter: the Trust in Enterprise Messaging.
The Trust in Enterprise Messaging

The TEM is a program linked to companies offering an A2P service. A2P stands for “Application to Person”. It’s a service of messages sending from a digital tool to a physical person, such as our sms platform.
Which criteria allowed SMSFactor to join the Trust in Enterprise Messaging program? Signatories companies commit to respect the code of conduct: guarantee the protection of consumers, be ethically and commercially responsible, work towards the development of a safe and secured market…
At SMSFactor, we fight against low-cost sms sendings, SPAM and we fight for the protection of consumers’ personal data.
Our objective is to supply quality SMS sendings, implying the boycott of “grey roads” (used for low-cost SMS) for instance. We also want to raise awareness on the use of marketing SMS, alert SMS, and the different regulations of the CNIL, the French National Commission on Informatics and Liberty, such as not sending marketing SMS between 8pm and 8am, on Sundays and on bank holidays. We also try to offer innovative solutions and competitive offers to our clients.
These values represent SMSFactor since 2010, allowing us to obtain an acknowledgment with our adhesion to the TEM program.
SMSFactor member of the TEM program
Since 2010, SMSFactor makes a point of honor to offer services of optimum quality. As an important actor of the professional SMS market, we want to offer the best service to our client.
8 years later, it’s the same quality of service and the will to put the client as the priority that led it to join the Trust in Enterprise Messaging.
The adhesion to the TEM add value to SMSFactor as a reputed actor of the professional SMS market. We are glad to offer you a secure and safe online SMS platform.

Through its engagement in the Future of Messaging Program, SMSFactor positions itself as an ambassador of the right customs and the development of a more sustainable mobile ecosystem.