It happened to everyone, from the biggest to the smallest, crisis touch every company. Strike, contamination, major incident… Crises arrive.

This is Oliver, manager of a company. He looks rather worried… His company, which counts more than 500 employees, just understand that a production mistake occurred on products commercialized last month.Unfortunately, we can’t help Oliver to resolve all his problems but we can help him to limit the damages thanks to a good communication (with SMS pro of course!). In the days following, he needs to contact all his customers, to organize emergency meetings and to transfer real-time information to his employees, the sms alert take action now!
Inform your staff members
If there is a crisis, you can’t stop Laura, your loyal client, who has just learnt the bad news and who is already revealing the information around her. Oliver, him, is too busy to manage the situation and he can’t answer to her questions! If no information is given to the employees, they will speculate on the future of the company and create rumors which can be diffused quickly not only internally but externally as well.
Nowadays, any big structure must be equipped with a system of SMS for crisis management. Be prevoyant, just a few minutes are necessary to prepare your sms alerts. Regardless of the nature of the event (with limits, if the crisis touch dismissals, you better use another channel of communication), faster you prevent your employees, better it is!

You just need 5 minutes to launch your sms campaign.
Contact on-call employees

You need to more staff that you have planned? These types of emergency do not leave the time for individual phone calls or emails. Don’t waste your time, contact your employees who are off, your seasonal workers or temporary workers in a few minutes. Send them an alert SMS to indicate them the day, the hour, the post and this way you can invite them to contact you immediately if your proposal interests them. This method is used by temporary employment agencies which must find employees quickly for their customers.
Our sms platform allows you to have several mailing lists and to separate your files by job category.
Assure your workers safety
If your employees are in danger, it is important for you to know if everybody is in safety. This kind of event is unusual, this is important to be prepared. For that, ask them to answer “Yes” to your SMS, this way you can quickly know people who did not answer and contact them personally. The sms for crisis management is a device which the French State uses and recommends as a communication tool in case of danger on the territory to inform the residents.

The sms allows you to have the immediate answer of your addressees. These ones will be visible on the tab “Inbox” on your SMSFactor account, they can also be sent directly on your mailbox.
Let your customers know about the crisis

When the crisis arrives, the heart of the problem are your customers. “How are they going to react?”, “The customer service is going to be overwhelmed!”. The best is to prevent them quickly. You must call back your products, you must inform them about a technical problem, to inform them that the store will be closed? Send them an alert sms. Some customers will need to call you after this sms alert but another part will be satisfied to have got quickly the information. If the sms doesn’t allow you to draft a long content, it is in the moment’s of panic, a good subsitute to your other channels of communication. This is a great tool to keep in reserve if necessary.
If you want to be sure that your customers open their SMS (even if this one already has a 97% reading rate), you can personalize the sender of your sms alerts. This will incitate them to open your message if they know that an incident occured.