Your dream finally comes true, you have just launched your startup! This is an amazing adventure that awaits you with ups and downs, motivation and the most important element of all innovation!

As you may already know, digital is part of companies’ DNA. Though it is difficult to find the good communication channel adapted to the needs of each company, there are different tools which allows you to digitalize, be effective and profitable.
Sms pro is becoming a key tool for companies. Maybe you wonder what the sms for startup is? You probably think that sms is a communication tool only reserved to big companies with big sales revenues ! This is totally false! It is not necessary to be one of the most profitable companies to use sms pro.
The uses of the SMS for start-up
There are several types of sms, each of them has its own utility and is adapted to different situations.
Alert SMS
This type of sms is perfect to inform on the availability of a product, about a last-minute change during an event or simply like a tool of appointment reminders… It adapts itself perfectly to each situation. This is an organizational tool which will help you because you are a young startuper, you are overwhelmed and you cannot take the risk of wasting your time due to an appointment oversight. Especially when we know that a simple sms would have avoided this waste of time. thanks to a simple sms. You can self-manage your sms alert sending by integrating and automating it into your website or application throught our API sms, this installation is made quickly and easily! Your customers will feel privileged to receive sms coming from you. Sms Alert is an asset for the customer loyalty, this is not insignificant when you start a startup.
SMS marketing
This type of marketing is more useful for long term communication. This is the type of sms that allows you to promote an event you are organizing or to spread special offersThis sending of massive sms allows you to touch all your customers quickly with a clear and simple message, which everybody is sure to receive. The sending bulk sms is an excellent way to increase the notoriety of your startup. You can insert the link of your website or of your Facebook page into your sms and this without supplementary cost !
How to get prospects' phone numbers
You have just started and you want to reach the highest number of people! To begin your sms campaigns for startup you should know the phone numbers of your prospects.To achieve this, why don’t you put on your website a countdown announcing when your project will be launched and behind it propose to curious to give you their numbers to inform them it’s the big day? And after that you can sustain a good relationship with all the people who entered their phone number by sending them a welcoming sms! And when your startup will be on the next level, you will be able to invite those customers to your VIP offers or special events.

You can also organize a quiz on your social networks, to acquire the numbers of your prospects without spending a lot of money. For example, create a game at Christmas time with a 50% promotion on a category of your products/services. It is one of the best way to acquire quickly and without spending all your savings, the numbers of your prospects. They will be happy to take advantage of your offers.
The 5 advantages of sms for startup
Have a modern and digital image: The sms pro is original and innovative, like your startup! Being digital is trendy, so… why are you still hesitating!
Stand out: Advantages of this communication channel are not well known yet. Some people are afraid to launch themselves in this adventure. It is the moment for you to make the difference.
The sms is accessible: Despite the reputation of sms, it is one of the most accessible channel of communication! And you will not take big financial risks in adopting this one.
SMS in figures: No other means of communication equals his reading rate of… 97%! The sending of sms is fast, it takes less than 10 minutes to be sent and read! An sms is 160 characters, it is ideal to write a precise message and to propose an attractive offer!
The support: Luckily for you, sms platforms exist to help you in your project. SMSFactor put the highest effort and care to offer a personalized service to every customer and to guide them through this beautiful adventure.